Learn to Live Beyond Your Fear and Unblock Your Road to Business Success
Rewire your own subconscious mind and add a new modality to your toolbox, to serve your clients better!
Get your Free Living Beyond Fear Consultation
If you are ready to finally live beyond your fear and are not sure where to start, this is the place.
On our call we will define the one thing that is currently holding you back from your business success AND create a real shift to improve your life immediately.
So why is this call free?
Because I used to work hard in my business, but I got the same result over and over again, no matter what strategies I tried or what actions I took. Until I learned something that changed everything around.
Today my passion is to help others find the success I did by teaching them how to unlock their own capacity so they can create breakthroughs over and over again in their lives and businesses.

From Inner Limits to Outer Success
In her book, “From Inner Limits to Outer Success”, Evakarin shares her own journey of personal growth and self-discovery, offering readers practical tools to get clear and achieve their own career, financial and life goals. Her teachings inspire transformation by shifting how readers see fears and obstacles. These challenges are the hidden keys to growth and a guide towards freedom, peace of mind, and a deeper connection with oneself.
Those who’ve experienced Evakarin’s transformational work describe it as truly life-changing and different from any other self-growth or spiritual work they’ve experienced. The Expansion Method brings a new approach to what’s possible in personal and professional development. She’s a beacon of hope and empowerment, constantly reminding us that our greatest challenges hide the most valuable opportunities for expansion and success.

The Living Beyond Your Fear Framework
There are 4 steps to releasing your subconscious fears:
1. Find and embrace your hearts desire
Many people today get stuck in someone else’s idea of what success is. To live beyond your fear is to live in your heart’s desire. When you learn how to boldly become yourself all roads open for you.
2. Find The Blockage
The body is keeping all our secrets to what is holding you back, when you learn how to locate these blocks within the body and find out how to unlock them, you can move forward with ease.
3. Effortless Fear Release
Fear often puts us in a death grip where it becomes very hard to focus on anything other than the object of our fear, real or imagined. However, there is a shortcut to effortless release on a deep level which gives immediate relief and return of focus that will change your life and the life of all your clients.
4. Rewire Subconscious Programs
You can learn to tell your subconscious mind what you want to have in a way that it understands. Many books and films try to teach the “law of attraction” but miss this critical point: When you order your subconscious correctly, it will always follow your commands.
Get The Key to Unlock Your Subconscious Mind
Most modalities require you to understand, analyze or delve into the issues in order to release them. This modality is different. You don’t need to know where it came from, you don’t even know what it is and you can still release it. It is transformational.
It Is Not About Doing More
There is not something wrong with you. You just have old programming that is still holding you back.

Here is how it shows up:
- Right after you make a big win, you suddenly withdraw
- You feel overwhelmed, you are unable to see clearly your next step so you start to doubt yourself and unable to take one step at a time
- You become a perfectionist, afraid of making mistakes and therefore you don’t do anything because doing nothing is the only place you feel safe.
- You make plans, create courses and other content but never show it to the world.
- You jump from one idea to another, unable to make a decision.
- You are unwilling to do what it really takes to make your business work, you just want to give it a try.
One year into starting my coaching business I became a single mother with five children. I had a constant knot in my stomach, worrying for the future. And at the end of every month I was sitting with a pile of bills wondering who’s going to get paid and who’s not. I totally transformed my life by using this tool to now earn six-figures a year and am now in a loving relationship as well.

The changes that have happened on my journey were so powerful and profound that I have dedicated my life to sharing them. I have already helped thousands of people all around the globe over the last decade and trained several of them to help others as well.
Back in 2005 I was trying to grow my business studying all the different marketing strategies on how to sell but I couldn’t get beyond $40,000 a year.
What I didn’t know was that I had many limiting beliefs that were suppressed in my subconscious that were holding me back. I felt awful all the time, no matter how successful I was, because my version of success was always one step ahead of wherever I was at the moment.
Even with a decade of personal development experience and training, I still couldn’t unlock the subconscious beliefs and programs that were holding me back until I discovered what I call The Expansion Method.
I found the easiest and most powerful way to transform my beliefs that were hiding and creating self sabotaging patterns to empowering patterns without having to know what they were.
I began to use this tool in my work with my clients. And many of them asked me if I could teach what I was doing so they could use it with their clients.
The magic of transforming my old programming into positive programming, without having to deal with each belief individually, changed my life, and began to change the lives of thousands of my clients and customers and I’m so excited for it to change yours too.
If you are ready to rewire your subconscious mind easily and effortlessly so you can start to Live Beyond Your Fear and Unblock Your Road to Business Success …
… And also use this tool to help your clients do the same…
Let’s get started!
Here’s how it works:
During one day I will introduce you to The Expansion Method. We will have group sessions as well as one-on-one unblocking.
What we are going to do during the 6 hours we are together:
- The importance of Focus
- How to rewire the subconscious mind almost instantaneously on yourself and others
- Learn how to release disappointments and setbacks that prevent you from trusting that you can achieve your heart’s desire.
- Unblock fear of planning, goal setting, and taking action
- You will be able to release money blocks so you can make more money with less effort.
- Raise your prices and get it
- You will amaze your clients and get a lot more referrals.
Book your
Free Living Beyond Fear Consultation
I use Evakarin’s Expansion Method in my everyday life and work with clients.
Some clients got free of bodily pains almost immediately, others increased their self-esteem and earned much more money. Many got clarity about big decisions (buying a house, how to handle their relationship). I even used The Expansion Method to clear generational traumas and this resulted in better relationships with parents, sisters, and self. Really, you can apply Evakarin’s Expansion Method everywhere, just let your creativity flow!
I was struggling with uneven money flows in business and felt that it had to do with me and personal money blocks. I hired Evakarin to work with me privately.
The results have been amazing, I went from not being able to attract investors and clients for my business to find them easily and they keep coming. Within a week or two we had landed a significant project worth £10,000. She clears your blocks and helps you stay in a receptive and positive mindset. I have found her support essential for the path I am on and highly recommend her services.